Style Frame

Motion Design

“Style Frames are the visual representation of what a motion piece will look like prior to animation. A style frame is a single frame or image that depicts the look and feel of a motion design project.” Shaw, A. (2020). Design for Motion: Fundamentals and Techniques of Motion Design (2nd ed., p. 13). Routledge. Style frames are a key part of the pre-visualization process for Motion Design productions. They serve to define the style or art direction of a project. For example, a Style Frame may establish visual attributes such as color, texture, value, and typography as well as visual choices such as photography, illustration, CG, or mixed media. They also define compositions and camera placement for shots / scenes within a piece. From a business perspective, Style Frames are used to pitch work to potential clients and/or to advance a project forward through client approval. Within a collaborative production, style frames serve as guidelines to ensure all artists are working to maintain a cohesive design style. Style frames are typically designed at the size of the screen or platform they are destined for. However, designers often create style frames in unexpected or alternative sizes to maximize their visual impact. This practice of “over-sized” or cinematic style frames relates to their function as “sales” tools for Motion Design productions.

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